My Story

About Me

I currently reside in San Jose, California. I have 3 grown children and each of my children's births and postpartum experiences were inspiring, life changing and unique.

My first birth I was 20 and I had a lot of family and friends for support. I felt very comfortable and appreciated the ongoing help. My second birth came 3 years later. I lacked support during this time and felt very alone and frustrated. I now know that I was going through postpartum depression and gave up breastfeeding a month after trying. My third child came just 11 months later. Thank goodness I had my Mom that lived locally and helped me whenever she could. Many women don't have the support they need in order to get through the postpartum time and that is when a postpartum doula can be their mental, emotional and physical support. Postpartum massage is helpful for Maternal rest and recovery.